Welcome to the PAX Angels!

Elizabeth Jafek
July 27, 2022

Pax Momentum is pleased to introduce PAX Angels, a group of seasoned investors who will select and fund a competitive group of start-ups to participate in Pax Momentum’s accelerator program. Every six months, these investors will hear pitches from a pool of fifteen to twenty Pax-vetted finalists, and of these will select ten compelling start-ups to join each Pax Cohort. Pax Angels are accredited investors with early stage investing experience from a broad range of business verticals and regions across the US. They will offer mentorship to the accelerator’s entrepreneurs, as well as have the opportunity to initiate deeper, ongoing involvement with the Pax Grads. 

Pax Momentum runs two, eight week long accelerator cohorts a year, and hopes to graduate 100 carefully screened startups in its first five years. In addition to investing, a Pax Angel commits a handful of half-days to coaching entrepreneurs during the accelerator program. The individual can make follow-on investments in their favorite companies, engage as a board member or mentor, and even become a Deal Lead for the potential to earn an additional percentage of the carry.

“I love investing but what I really want to do is change the world. Pax finds the most promising and innovative ClimateTech investment opportunities, so that I can improve the earth I leave to my children.” Kim Nguyen, PhD UC Berkeley - BA Harvard

These investors have come on board not only to access Pax’s promising investment opportunities, but also to participate impactfully in building solutions to climate change. Three of each cohort’s ten companies will be focused on technologies that promote environmental sustainability. David Krauskopf, Principal at Blu Ventures and owner of Hamanasi Adventure Resort said, “One thing that really sold me on being a Pax Angel was the environmental focus. I’m excited for the opportunity to invest in vetted companies working on climate solutions.”

Pax Angels are 12 strong--and growing! They hail from seven different states, and represent a broad spectrum of deep domain knowledge, including CleanTech, FinTech, Cybersecurity, Healthcare, Education, Telecom, Datacom, eCommerce and Software Development. Members of Pax Angels co-invest with dozens of other firms and communities, giving Pax Grads greater opportunity to align with the right funding partners.

“I love what Pax is doing to break down geographic barriers to investment, and I’m excited to see companies from around the country grow through this accelerator program.” Darren Lee, EVP/GM at ProofPoint (PFPT)

PAX Momentum
Press Release